[menog] Feedback on Network Administration Software

Ruchi Rajpal rrajpal at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 18:20:13 GMT 2009

Hello all,

I have joined this forum to grasp the exact requirements from network
We are developing an easy to install and highly useful application
"pmGraph"  to assist in network administration.
pmGraph is in the early stages of development, and work is in progress to
make it a more flexible and powerful tool, with advanced user-friendly
graphing capabilities.
The purpose of pmGraph is to work with pmacct, a network monitoring and
auditing tool. pmacct runs on a firewall, router or bridge, collects
information from multiple routers, and stores the information in a database.
The database permits powerful analysis, but is difficult to use. pmGraph
helps by providing a simple graphical overview of the network data recorded
by pmacct.

How to Use It

The simplest way to monitor your network is to take control of the point
where network connects to another network, such as your Internet Service
Provider, at a single point (a router or bridge). This allows you to monitor
traffic entering or leaving your domain of control (your own network).

To do this, what is needed is:

   * A server running a Linux or Unix operating system,
   * mysql database,
   * pmacct network traffic logger,
   * tomcat web server,
   * Optionally, a Cisco or Juniper router that supports Netflow or sFlow.

Understanding these components is useful, but not necessary, to install and
use pmGraph.
We have created debian package to make installation easier.

Here is the link for details:

Please do try it out and provide us with feedback. That will be really

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Ruchi Rajpal
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