[menog] An article about the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses in AlRiyadh newspaper

Ahmed Abu-Abed ahmed at tamkien.com
Sun Apr 10 06:00:45 GMT 2011

Dr. Basil,

This is a very good and thorough explanation of the IPv6 and why it is needed, congratulations on having it published in the daily paper with good circulation.

I have a simpler & shorter version of the depletion event and why the IPv6 move is necessary, in Arabic of course, and if interested then let me know.

Arab media coverage of this fundamental shift in the Internet's foundation needs to improve, while global news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, ABC News and Economist have covered IPv4 the depletion event as well as IPv6.

Best Regards,

Ahmed Abu-Abed, P.Eng.
VP, IPv6 Forum Jordan Chapter
Amman, Jordan
GSM +962 777 669 100

From: Basil AsSadhan 
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 11:54 PM
To: menog at menog.net 
Subject: [menog] An article about the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses in AlRiyadh newspaper

Hello Everyone,


I wrote an article about the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses in AlRiyadh newspaper, one of the leading newspapers in Saudi Arabia.

The article is targeted to the general public and is written in Arabic. The title of the article can be translated to “The exhaustion of IP addresses … Will it stop the grow of the Internet in 2011?”


I will be happy to hear Arab-speakers’ opinion about the article.


انتهاء عناوين الإنترنت.. هل يوقف نموها في عام 2011؟




Basil AsSadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering

College of Engineering
King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Homepage: http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/bsadhan/

Blog: AsSadhan.me



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