[menog] MENOG 8: Thank you

Salman Al-Mannai SMANNAI at qtel.com.qa
Wed May 25 19:40:34 GMT 2011


I don't know if I should consider myself a contributor or intruder :) it has been a long time.

I see you guys reconsidering MENOG-9 location!!!

I see the search for a place is becoming a matter of live or die for the MENOG!, a situation that I'm not at all happy to see, there are quite few places in the Middle East that are still

Countries to avoid: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen
Countries hosted MENOG in the past: Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE.
Countries require visa (Complex): Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (former Soviet Union).
Potential Countries with simplified Visa requirement: Egypt, Jordan and Oman.

We might as well look at the greater Middle East and consider; Algeria, Cyprus, Djibouti, Libya, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan and Tunisia (part of AfriNIC territories).

Algeria, Djibouti, Libya, Somalia and Sudan :( are not the place for anyone to be at, unless you wear a bullet proof vest :) which leaves Tunisia, true the situation is not pleasant at the moment but it is improving at faster rate than expected, and if the election is a success by July then the situation will be very attractive, primarily due to the following:

1. The country is highly affordable (hotels cost from 100-150 euro on the average).
2. There are 3 operating telecom providers.
3. Can also be blessed by the AICTO (Arab ICT Organization).
4. Highly accessible by all middle east countries (Visas are not required for most countries, for those who require a visa it is very simple).

What remain is the 'territory' issue, which in my opinion can be solved if RIPE and AfriNIC hold a joined regional meeting.

Next, of course, is Egypt, the political situation is still moderate, but if Cairo is avoided (perhaps we should consider Sharm-El-Sheikh or Alexandria) for better security it might be attractive.

Morocco is way too far for some participants otherwise has high potential.

In short the places to be considered (order of listing matters): 1. Jordan, 2. Oman, 3. Tunisia, 4. Egypt, 5. Morocco.

Best Regards

On May 25, 2011, at 6:59 PM, Nasser Farhan wrote:

Hi all,

Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria are open to all Arab Nationalities.  Also Turkey(no visas required for Jordanians), UAE are also easy and has no complications( you get it with the ticket).  Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman are quite complex (yet obtainable).

I suggest we hold it in Egypt next time as it does not require a visa to enter.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ahmed Abu-Abed<mailto:ahmed at tamkien.com>
To: 'menog at menog. net'<mailto:'menog at menog.%20net'>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [menog] MENOG 8: Thank you

Egypt is easier on visas than many others in the region, plus you have good locations like Alexandria, Luxor, Sharm El Sheikh, Cairo, etc.

Jordan and Lebanon are also quite open with inter-Arab visa needs, and can grant on the spot visas at airports for many nationalities.


From: Hani Abuelkhair<mailto:netmanb2k at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:24 PM
To: Kais Al-Essa<mailto:operations at sahara.com.sa>
Cc: menog at menog.net<mailto:menog at menog.net>
Subject: Re: [menog] MENOG 8: Thank you

Turkey is one of the best locations

Hani Abuelkhair
Sent from my iPhone
Cell: 965 99883327

On May 24, 2011, at 21:27, Kais Al-Essa <operations at sahara.com.sa<mailto:operations at sahara.com.sa>> wrote:

Dear Nasser,

Thanks for your suggestion. We try to balance between two main things:
- Being in an easy country is good as it will allow more people to attend the meeting from around the globe.
- However, we have an obligation to try to visit as many countries as possible.

For Saudi Arabia, Visas are possible and when we did MENOG6 in Riyadh, we had an excellent show of visitors who managed to get their Visa on time. Note that you just need to plan earlier.

Having said the above, we would like to hear your ideas on alternative locations. Our next meeting is planned for Muscat, Oman.


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On 5/24/2011 7:57 PM, Nasser Farhan wrote:
Dear MENOG team and members,

Can I kindly suggest that these conferences to be held in a visa neutral countries, where visas are not needed or can be easily and rapidly obtained.

----- Original Message -----
From: Osama I. Al-Dosary<mailto:dosary at cisco.com>
To: <mailto:menog at menog.net> menog at menog.net<mailto:menog at menog.net>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: [menog] MENOG 8: Thank you

Salaam MENOG Community,

On behalf of the MENOG Coordination Team, I would like to thank you for
helping to make the MENOG 8/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in Al-Khobar,
Saudi Arabia such a success. Special thanks goes to those who to jump
through visa hoops to join us.

MENOG 8 included one day of plenary conference incorporating the RIPE
NCC Regional Meeting and four days of hands-on technical workshops.

The event as a whole received lots of positive and appreciative feedback.

The meeting was well attended by participants from seven different
countries. A list of attendees is posted at:

All presentations are available at:

An overview of sponsors is posted at:

Thanks once again on behalf of the MENOG Coordination Team.
We hope that you will also attend MENOG 9 which will be held in Muscat,
Oman in quarter 3, 2011

Kind regards,
Osama I. Al-Dosary
On behalf of the MENOG Coordination Team

Kais Al-Essa, Sultan AlShamsi, Sandra Gijzen, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Paul
Rendek, Philip Smith
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