[menog] World IPv6 Day June 8th - ISP preparations

Ahmed Abu-Abed ahmed at tamkien.com
Thu May 26 09:16:40 GMT 2011

Dear colleagues,

Wednesday June 8th is World IPv6 Day (W6D) during which Google, Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing, Xbox.com, Akamai, Limelight and many others will turn on IPv6 on their web services, which should include webmail services, for 24 hours.

This is organised by ISOC, http://isoc.org/wp/worldipv6day/ , and was originally suggested by Google last year.  If your company is participating on this day by enabling IPv6 services then please let us all know.

Major websites, which now run in IPv4-only mode, will run in Dual-Stack mode on that day only, and most internet users will not sense a change as few have IPv6 connectivity. 

However, all recent Windows and Mac OS X systems give preference to IPv6 over IPv4 for reaching content, so when content is available on IPv6 then the few computers (or routers) with misconfigured 6to4, ISATAP and Teredo services can cause issues, mainly long delays and timeouts on reaching web content. Only a small number of users, less than 1%, are expected to face this issue. Microsoft has released a Windows patch that gives IPv4 preference over IPv6 on W6D to avoid such issues

I setup a global discussion group for this event, with more technical information on how to prepare for it, on http://gogonet.gogo6.com/group/worldipv6day . This site also has a software tool to setup a stable IPv6 connection using the global Freenet6 network so home users will not face IPv6 connectivity issues.

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