[menog] IPAM and documentation software

saleh mansour sal7mansour at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 11:24:06 UTC 2015

Dear Mohamed,

IPAM is a service, so you have to deploy it under a  server with minimal
requirements such as  ( Web Container ( apache), SQL database, php etc ..)

In My network I am using IPPLAN and gestioip, and both are powerful . you
can deploy them under linux or windows using LAMP,WAMP services
respectively .

There is also IPAM service from Solarwinds ( Windows based ), but its
commercial .

IPPLAN link : http://iptrack.sourceforge.net/
gestioip  Link : http://www.gestioip.net/documentation_gestioip_en.html
Solarwinds IPAM : http://www.solarwinds.com/ip-address-manager.aspx

I am Ready to help you


On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 2:03 PM, mohamed moheb <mmohebturkey at gmail.com>

> Hello everybody ,
> I am looking for two powerful and free tools to manage ip address space
> and to documnet the network of ISP scale .
> I need the IPAM tool to discover the free and used addresses and  to
> return the description of this ip address . if possible i want to run it
> over windows not server nor linux system ( if possible )
> I need the doc tool to  document the network and can add to it presentaion
> and docs also if possible to run over normal window not server nor linux (
> if possible )
> thanks in advance
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*Saleh J. Mansour*
NGN Palestine
Mob: +970 (59) 9889919,  | www.ngn.ps
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