[menog] 2018 Train The Trainer Bootstrap Event, Oman

Massimiliano Stucchi max at stucchi.ch
Mon Oct 15 14:35:01 UTC 2018

Dear MENOG community,

The RIPE NCC, in coordination with MENOG is organising a Train The
Trainer (TTT) Bootstrap Event from 16-20 December, in Oman.

A TTT Bootstrap event is a five-day long programme with a maximum of 12
participants with the goal of preparing the candidates to be part of the
TTT Programme.

This programme ensures capacity building in countries with fewer
training opportunities, and create an additional pool of trainers. While
training courses will be given in English, through this initiative we
hope to provide additional support in regional languages.

For this bootstrap event, we are specifically looking for candidates
whose native language is Arabic or who have a very high proficiency in it.

You are eligible to apply if you meet the following criteria:
- Basic knowledge of IPv6;
- Good technical knowledge of networking technologies (Routing, BGP,
- Basic training skills including the ability to present technical
concepts in a simple and concise way;
- Good fluency in English;
- Ability to participate in our training courses on a semi-regular
basis. The course series are usually 3 days, and require travel one day
prior to the event.

If you meet our requirements, we suggest you apply. Send in your
completed application including all the following elements via email to
trainthetrainer at ripe.net by 10 November 2018.
- A full curriculum vitae (CV) that clearly lists your technical knowledge
- Complete contact details including your email address, phone number
and address
- A link to your technical presentation video. We use the video to
assess your technical presentation skills. The video must meet the
following requirements:
- Between 3 and 5 minutes long
- Presentation on a technical topic related to networking, system
administration, operating systems or programming
- In the English language
- Include a presentation slide deck
- Hosted on either Vimeo, YouTube, Dropbox or any other file sharing
- Do not include graphics or special effects
- Do not edit the video – it should run continuously

We will inform successful candidates four weeks prior to the starting
date of the event.

We support selected candidates by providing travel expenses and

You can find more information about the TTT Programme at


If you have any other question, reach out to us via email at
trainthetrainer at ripe.net

Important Dates:
10 November: Deadline to submit applications
16 November: Candidates will be notified regarding their selection
16-20 December: Bootstrap event takes place

Note: This email is being sent from my private email address because my
@ripe.net email address has been pending registration on this list since
last thursday.


Massimiliano Stucchi
IPv6 Programme Manager
mstucchi at ripe.net

Follow us on Twitter for the fastest and latest RIPE NCC Training news!

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