[menog] Call for Host for MENOG 20 & Peering Forum

Khalid Samara pc-chair at menog.org
Tue Jun 25 16:53:45 UTC 2019

Salaam Community,

 Are you interested in hosting MENOG 20 & Peering Forum on one of the following dates:

23,24,25,26,27 February  2020
15,16,17,18,19 March 2020

MENOG depends on a local host in supporting the organisation and
delivery of the meeting.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Roles and Responsibilities of the local host can be found at:
Hosting | MENOG<https://www.menog.org/sponsors/host-requirements/>
Hosting the Middle East Network Operator Group Meeting and Peering Forum (MENOG) What is MENOG? The Middle East Network Operator Group Meeting and Peering Forum is the largest, non-commercial, technical, educational and community-oriented activity in the Middle East.

How you can benefit as a MENOG Host
Hosting a MENOG Meeting guarantees your organisation excellent
visibility in the Middle East. After we confirm you as Host, we’ll
promote your vital contribution by:

* Mentioning your organisation’s name in the opening and closing
plenaries and in announcements throughout the meeting
* Allowing you to make a short welcome speech during the opening plenary
(no sales pitches please)
* Displaying your logo on the MENOG website, in printed meeting
material, on participant badges, on the intermission slides, and on
roll-up banners at the meeting
* Providing space in the coffee break area where you can display one
promotional roll-up banner during both days of the meeting

If you’d like to host the MENOG 20 & Peering Forum, please email us at
menog at ripe.net before 15 August 2019.

Your host proposal should be as detailed as possible and we require the
following information from you:

* The name of your organization and a short explanation of why you would
like to become a MENOG Meeting Host
* The city in which you are proposing to host the meeting with some
highlights that explain why  MENOG attendees might wish to visit this city.
* Information on any requirements, laws, policies (etc.) operative in
the proposed meeting location that might affect the meeting or its
organisation. For example, you must let us know about any special visa
requirements, any permits we would need to obtain to hold a meeting in
the proposed location, and so on.
* If known, an outline of how you propose to arrange Internet
connectivity to the meeting venue
* A list of at least two suitable meeting venues (hotels and/or
conference centres)
* A list of venues that can host social events (museums, clubs,
restaurants, etc.) with a capacity between 150 and 200.

We also invite you to provide any additional information that you think
would support your proposal to host the MENOG 20 & Peering Forum.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Khalid Samara

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