[menog] NETmundial Initiative Announces Formation of its Inaugural Coordination Council and a Broad Global Community Consultation Phase

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sun Dec 28 19:37:05 UTC 2014



Fahd Batayneh




Submitted by Secretariat on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 16:52


Today the NETmundial Initiative announced the members of its Inaugural
Coordination Council and outlined next steps in the process. The
announcement follows a series of open dialogues and consultations across all
sectors of the global community that have helped inform and shape the way


The open call for nominations for the inaugural Coordination Council was
answered with strong voluntary community participation. A total of 46 high
quality nomination submissions were made for the 20 seats available,
reflecting a broad and diverse representation of stakeholders from all
sectors and geographies. The final selection decisions are based on the
criteria developed in consultation with respective stakeholder groups, in
full transparency.


The responsibilities of the Inaugural Coordination Council will be limited
to facilitating global support for the Initiative, including promoting the
distributed Internet governance model, and attracting ideas, individuals,
organizations, and funding in order to enable interested parties to take
voluntary actions on the platform.  The Council will have no mandate to
intervene on any initiatives advanced through the platform. Prior to the
Council’s first meeting, the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the NETmundial
Initiative will be developed through an inclusive, bottom-up, and
consultative process, open to the global community.


The Inaugural Coordinating Council members listed below are distributed
across four sectors and five geographies:


Sector: Academia, Technical Community and Foundations

1.	Nii Narku Quaynor, University of Cape Coast, Ghana – Africa
2.	Akinori MAEMURA, Japan Network Information Center – Asia & Oceania
3.	Jean-François Abramatic, W3C – Europe
4.	Marília Maciel, Center for Technology and Society - Getulio Vargas
Foundation School of Law – Latin America & Caribbean
5.	William Drake, Media Change and Innovation Division, IPMZ,
University of Zurich – North America


Sector: Civil Society

1.	Anriette Esterhuysen, Association for Progressive Communications,
APC – Africa
2.	Ian Peter, Nomination as an individual - Asia & Oceania
3.	Jean-Jacques Subrenat, EURALO - Europe
4.	João Carlos Rebello Caribé, Movimento Mega - Latin America &
5.	Eileen Donahoe, Human Rights Watch - North America


Sector: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations

1.	Atef Helmy, Minister of Communications & Information Technology,
Egypt – Africa
2.	Lu Wei, Minister for Cyberspace Affairs Administration, China – -
Asia & Oceania
3.	Andrus Ansip, European Commission, Vice-President for the Digital
Single Market – Europe
4.	Juan Cruz González Allonca, National Director for Personal Data
Protection, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Argentina – Latin America
& Caribbean
5.	Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce –
North America


Sector: Private Sector 

1.	Andile Ngcaba, Convergence Partners Investments – Africa
2.	Jack Ma, Alibaba Group – Asia & Oceania
3.	Christoph Steck, Telefonica, S.A. – Europe
4.	Pablo Bello Arellano, AHCIET (Asociación Iberoamericana de Centros
de Investigación y empresas de Telecomunicaciones) – Latin America &
5.	James Poisant, The World Information Technology & Services Alliance 


Organizing Partners

1.	Virgilio Augusto Fernandes Almeida, The Brazilian Internet Steering
2.	Fadi Chehadé, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
3.	Richard Samans, World Economic Forum


The organizing partners will leave open two additional liaison seats (one
each) for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the technical Internet
community (I* group), which they are welcome to fill at any time. The
NETmundial Initiative must and will actively work to strengthen the IGF and
extend its valuable work at the global, regional, and national levels.


In addition, Professor Wolfgang Kleinwächter from the University of Aarhus
will be appointed as Special Ambassador of the NETmundial Initiative to
increase collaboration and dialogue with the global Internet community.


The NETmundial Initiative remains an iterative process that can only evolve
through the broad-based involvement of stakeholders from across the world.
The recent joint statement
(link is external) issued by ISOC and ICANN is welcomed. The NETmundial
Initiative will embrace the suggestions in the ISOC/ICANN statement to
engage the community in developing the Initiative’s ToR, and to explore with
the community what they need on the NETmundial platform to advance their
Internet governance activities.


The first formal meeting of the Inaugural Coordination Council will be held
on March 31, 2015 (location to be finalized). The first three months of 2015
will be a period of broad engagement across the global community. The
Initiative’s secretariat will work closely with members of the Inaugural
Coordination Council and/or their staff to coordinate the global bottom-up
consultation to finalize the Initiative’s ToR and to develop a framework for
the NETmundial solutions’ platform – prior to the Council’s first meeting.


The Inaugural Coordination Council will be in place for a period of 18
months to ensure the development of the Initiative during its startup phase.
The NETmundial Transitional Committee – which was formed to facilitate the
formation of the Inaugural Coordination Council – has completed its task and
is therefore now dissolved.

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