[menog] [Summary] U.S.ToTransferKeyInternetStewardshiptoGlobalCommunity

Sezen YEŞİL syesil at btk.gov.tr
Thu Mar 20 09:13:19 UTC 2014

Thank you David.
Let’s accept that the oversight function has been required for such an important task.
Then, may I ask what “private – bottom up governance” means? ☺
Anyway, we will see the result of the transition, at least at the end we might decide to give up private-bottom up governance claims so that the the description of current governance model can reflect the reality.

(Sorry menog residents for occupying your mailboxes too much.)


From: David Conrad [mailto:drc at virtualized.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:35 PM
To: Sezen YEŞİL
Subject: Re: [menog] [Summary] U.S. ToTransferKeyInternetStewardshiptoGlobalCommunity


Just a minor point that may be relevant to the IANA transition discussions:

On Mar 19, 2014, at 2:52 AM, Sezen YEŞİL <syesil at btk.gov.tr<mailto:syesil at btk.gov.tr>> wrote:
After all the IANA’s technical evaluations and ICANN Board’s decision, is there really a need for the approval of NTIA?

NTIA's role has been one of oversight, ensuring that ICANN (including ICANN's Board) has acted according to their published policies and processes.  That is, NTIA provided assurance (to some at least, including many governments even if they would not say so publicly) that ICANN couldn't run amok and scribble all over a resource upon which the entire Internet relied.

Whether this oversight remains necessary and, if so, by whom and how it should be done is probably relevant to the IANA transition.

(former General Manager of IANA, 2005 - 2010, but speaking only for myself and sometimes not even that)

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